DriverMax is software for performing the check and update the drivers for the hardware that is installed on a Windows system . Given DriverMax will help us to determine what the driver matches the hardware installed in our Windows , either Windows XP or Windows Vista . DriverMax is the most important function is to backup and restore the drivers so install a driver more quickly without the need to install native drivers . With the DriverMax driver update will be so much easier , because this software will determine which driver is compatible with the hardware on our computers . So with the DriverMax we do not bother anymore to search for and download updates to the various drivers on the web site or blog .
DriverMax This will help us update periodically , hardware drivers that we use in our Windows drivers such as VGA , Chipset , Sound Cards, printers , LAN , Wireless LAN , Webcam , Bluetooth , and others . How it works DriverMax is extraordinary , users do not need to do anything after the program is running . The update search program does not require any configuration after the run . DriverMax is currently running and the computer such as " hang " then you do not panic , because about 3-5 seconds DriverMax is conducting an online checking collect hardware information that matches the type of hardware in our computer . Only then we will be given further instructions about what steps must we do .
Now I will explain how to backup and restore the drivers using DriverMax
Backing up drivers , it is very straightforward way , namely :
1 . Click the Driver Operations ► Import Drivers
2 . Click Next , wait 3-5 seconds ongoing process of checking drivers
3 . Information will appear all components of the hardware drivers you use. Choose some driver components you want to Back Up or click Select all to back up all drivers
4 . click Next
5 . Export all selected on the drivers to a folder , you select the location where the driver wants to back up in the store ( If you are not composing a back -up storage location , then DriverMax will keep you in backing up the C : \ Documents and Settings \ Administrator \ My Documents \ My Drivers )
6 . Click Next , DriverMax will automatically do the Processing Driver
7 . Click Open extraction folder , and look up the drivers you 've terback . If all the drivers you've been backing up , meaning that you do not need it anymore kwatir if your driver CD is damaged or missing , then you can do a Restore Drivers with DriverMax without the need for installation .
Download click here
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